Solving simultaneous index and subroutes being active

Recently, I had a tab structure that used React Router v6 to drive the actual routes with createBrowserRouter and Outlet.

The team behind React Router tends to revert to their previous implementation style every other version or so. We’ll see if that remains true over time in the v6-era.

The new function createBrowserRouter can be a little wonky when it gets nested, or at least it feels that way.

Here’s the part of my router that handles the tab routes. I have a top level route and various children. There’s a default and non-index children you can tab to. Build is default, then Services and Pipeline are parallel routes.

                path: "/:org/:repo/:number",
                element: <RepoBuild />,
                children: [
                    element: <RepoBuildSteps />,
                    index: true,
                    path: "/:org/:repo/:number/services",
                    element: <ComingSoon title="Services" />,
                    path: "/:org/:repo/:number/pipeline",
                    element: <ComingSoon title="Pipeline" />,

This is a small set of components


The problem I had was that NavLink was being too greedy. Whenever I was on the Services tab for example, /org/repo/123/services, it would also light up the Build tab. I needed those to be actively exclusively, the index was a default, but not a parent.

In the end, the trick was to use the end prop provided by NavLink.

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